The final
book in the Chronicles of Narnia series any way you read it, The Last Battle,
like many of the books in the series has a slow start and a great finish. I
think that that’s because Lewis likes to write beginnings in an obscure and
small little way and finish with huge, beautiful endings. He writes beauty and
pure bliss extremely well. This book is no exception to the others and I feel
like the universe he created is absolutely wonderful. I won’t give away any
spoilers, but I’ll just rank the books, which I know is pointless, but right
now I would say they are:
- The Magician’s Nephew
- The Voyage of The Dawn Treader
- The Last Battle
- The Horse and His Boy
- The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
- The Silver Chair
- Prince Caspian
They’re all pretty close, though I would say that there is a
clear upper tier for me, being the top four, as all of them have really cool
characters and all but one have truly epic endings.
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